- Revised draft legally binding instrument to regulate, in international human rights law, the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises
- Note Verbale by the Chairmanship of the Working Group regarding the release of the revised draft legally binding instrument
- Report of the fourth session and Addendum
- Invitation for States and other relevant stakeholders to submit their comments and proposals on the draft legally binding instrument no later than the end of February 2019 (A/HRC/40/48, para 91 (a))
English | French | Spanish - Programme of work for the 4th session
- Draft Programme of work for the 5th session
- Note Verbale by the Chairmanship of the Working Group regarding the transmission of the draft programmes of work
- Zero draft legally binding instrument to regulate, in international human rights law, the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises
- Note Verbale by the Chairmanship of the Working Group regarding the release of the zero draft legally binding instrument
- Zero draft optional protocol to the zero draft legally binding instrument
- Note Verbale by the Chairmanship of the Working Group regarding the release of the zero draft optional protocol
- Non-exhaustive list of documents consulted during the preparation of the zero draft of the legally binding instrument
- Note Verbale by the Chairmanship of the Working Group regarding the non-exhaustive list of documents consulted
- A/HRC/RES/WG.16/4/1: Provisional Agenda for the Fourth Session