Drafts and Resources

I have been working on the production of a comprehensive commentary of the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights. This is a humbling task. It follows the production of both an official commentary, written in tandem with the UNGP itself, and a collective commentary of the UNGP undertaken by some of the most distinguished students of other fields of human rights, business, and its related fields of academic study (The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: A Commentary (Barnali Choudhury (ed); Edward Elgar, 2023).
I am at a point (February 2024) where I can start vetting portions of the draft. I hope to share those discussion drafts with a wider audience in hopes of getting feedback.In these posts I provide a short summary of the draft chapter and a link t access a ‘pdf’ version. All draft chapters may be found on this site along with links to original sources and important text.
Because these are chapter drafts prepared for vetting I welcome comments and discussion on any and all chapters posted with great thanks.
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