CPE is a growing community of scholars dedicated to advancing an understanding of peace and ethics, and their application to every aspect of individual and communal human activity.
CPE understands peace in all of its senses. Human collectives—nations, corporations, religions, and other organizations—know peace as freedom from war, conflict, or fundamental disagreement, they know it also as the process through which this freedom from conflict is achieved and memorialized. Individuals know peace as a mental state of calm and serenity, but also as an interjection commanding calm or silence or said in greeting or farewell. The term is active as well as passive. It is welcoming but can push back. It embraces individuals and communities of people. But in its basic aspect, peace connotes positive connection. That positive connection CPE understands as fundamentally grounded in principles.
CPE knows ethics as systems of principles. CPE understands ethics as systems of principles of human conduct, whether as individuals or as groups. CPE understands as a fundamental idea that peace is the goal, the state of being. Ethics is the method, the path to and defense of this state of being. But neither systems nor principles are fungible. CPE understands ethics as that set of principles grounded in human dignity, respect, duty and obligation that are elaborated in the “Statement of CPE Ethical Principles.”
Together peace and ethics suggest a framework for organizing and understanding all human interaction. CPE will dedicate its resources to advance the goals of peace through ethics.