What is the Most Important Element of the 19th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party?
Shan Gao
The main theme of the 19th Party Congress is the “New Era.” A new era has been exemplified by the technological achievements and economic performance for the past few years and been expressed through institutional reforms since the 18th Party Congress. The CPC Constitutional amendments have laid out a new ideological foundation and conceptual framework for guiding China’s new era, which signifies the COC’s commitment to the founding principle of Marxism-Leninism.
I see the 19th Party Congress as the latest development of China’s ongoing project of constructing socialism with Chinese Characteristics. It presented elements that expressing historical continuity with utmost respect to the new context. In my statement I consider the 19th Party Congress laid out new approaches toward the principal issue regarding the meaning of socialism with Chinese characteristics. I will highlight new economic and institutional development goal expressed by the 19th Party Congress Resolution.