Working Papers/Background Briefs/Commentary

As part of its research mission, CPE sponsors working papers, background briefs and commentary.

CPE Working Papers are research oriented working papers, preliminary scientific or technical papers.  The authors of these working papers and Background Briefs have released them to share ideas about a topic or to elicit feedback before submitting to a peer reviewed conference or academic journal. These working papers are preliminary versions that are being shared in a timely manner to a broad research community, with the aim of contributing to scholarly debate and soliciting constructive feedback.

CPE Background Briefs provide information on subjects of topical interest to provide readers with information useful for understanding important current issues. CPE Background Briefs are more informally drafted to provide information efficiently to readers with a desire to understand issues in greater depth and in context.

CPE Commentary include written comments and analysis of selected legislation or other public actions for which commentary has been solicited.

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Input for Consideration by the OHCHR on the Establishment and Operation of a Help Desk on Business and Human Rights (25 June 2024). Access here: CPE_Input_OHCHR_Helpdesk-6-2024


CPE Intervention Statement on the 5thOEIGWG Meeting for the Drafting of a Legally Binding Instrument, Letter to His Excellency Ambassador Emilio Izquierd, Permanent Representative of Ecuador to the United Nations in Geneva, Chair Rapporteur of the OEIGWG Resolution 26/9. ACCESS HERE: OEIGWG_CPEIntervention13October2022



Larry Catá Backer, COVID, Control, and Complicity in Rwanda: Human Rights Intersectionality in the Dead Spaces between Legal and Markets Regimes, CPE Working Paper 10/1 (October 20, 2020). Available <> .

Coalition for Peace & Ethics, Input to UN Working Group for Business and Human Rights on the Project UNGPs 10+; Towards a Decade of Global Implementation. Delivered 2 October 2020. Download HERE:

James Korman, Drug Cartels, Oil Rents, and Homicide – The Case of Mexico, CPE Working Paper 9/1 (1 September 2020). Download HERE: Korman_Cartels_CPEWP9-1_2020.

Coalition for Peace & Ethics, Response to Call for Inputs Connecting the business and human rights and anti-corruption agendas (19 February 2020). DOWNLOAD HERE:CPE_InPut-19-2-2020_Downloadable



Larry Catá Backer, The Fundamental Contradiction of Cuban Socialism in the “New Era”: Economic Reintegration Preserving the Revolutionary Moment, CPE Working Paper 5/1 (May 2019). Download here: Cuba Fund Contradictn 2019Working Papers



Larry Catá Backer, “Building a New American Global Liberal Order?–Reflections on ‘Restoring the Role of the Nation-State in the Liberal International Order,’ Secretary Pompeo’s Speech to the German Marshall Fund 4 December 2018.” CPE Working Paper 12/1 (December 2018). Download HERE: Building a New American Global Liberal Order

Larry Catá Backer, Background Brief:  Thoughts on John Bolton: Address to the Federalist Society, Washington, D.C. on US policy toward the International Criminal Court. CPE Background Brief 9/1 (10 Sept. 2018). DOWNLOAD HERE:  Working Papers

Flora Sapio, Four Short Reflections on Jiang Shigong’s Essay on ‘Philosophy and History’, CPE Working Paper 6/3 (June 2018). Download HERE: comment-jiang-shigong

Larry Catá Backer, Reflections on Jiang Shigong on ‘Philosophy and History: Interpreting the “Xi Jinping Era” through Xi’s Report to the Nineteenth National Congress of the CCP’ [ 哲学与历史 —从党的十九大报告解读“习近平时代” 强世功 ], CPE Working Paper 6/2 (June 2018). Download HERECPE_Reflections on Jiang Shigong on.

Chinese version: HERE (“新时代”的新解读 ——评强世功教授《哲学与历史 —从党的十九大报告解读“习近平时代”》一文 作者:白轲 译者:戴苗强)

[Jiang Shigong’s original Essay as translated by David Ownby and Timothy Cheek for the Australian Centre on China in the World, may be accessed HERE: 2018-5-11 Jiang Shigong on ‘Philosophy and History_ Interpreting the “Xi Jinping Era” through Xi’s Report to the Nineteenth National Congress of the CCP’ | The China Story Booklet]

Larry Catá Backer,  Reflections on the Development of the Emerging Field of Business and Human Rights: Current Opportunities and Future Challenges as it Matures, CPE Working Paper 6/1 (June 2018).  Download HERE: Reflections BHR Key Issues CPE

Larry Catá Backer, Brief Thoughts on Jesner v. Arab Bank, PLC, 584 U.S. — (2018): The State of Judicial Remedies for Corporate Liability for Human Rights Violations, CPE Working Paper 4/3 (April 2018). Download HERE: Brief Thoughts on Jesner v

Flora Sapio, “What Do We Still Ignore About Chinese Constitutionalism?:The United Front and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (Part 2)” CPE Working Paper 4/2 (April 2018). Download HERE:political-consultative-conference2

Flora Sapio, “What Do We Still Ignore About Chinese Constitutionalism?:The United Front and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (Part 1)CPE Working Paper 4/1 (April 2018). Download HERE: political-consultative-conference-1

Larry Catá Backer, Background Brief:  On the Internationalization of China’s “New Era” Theory: Brief Thoughts on the UN Human Rights Council Resolution: “On promoting mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of human rights” (A/HRC/37/L.36)CPE Background Brief 1/3 (March 2018). Download HERE: Background Brief China Mutually Beneficial Cooperation3-2018. Spanish Language summary HERE.

Larry Catá Backer, Background Brief: “Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement Between the E.U. and Cuba, 12504/16 (Brussels 25 Nov. 2016) COLAC 76, CFSP/PESC 753CPE Background Brief 1/2018 (Jan. 2018).



Larry Catá Backer, “From Global to Fortress America; Thoughts on “National Security Strategy of the United States” (4 Dec 2017),” CPE Working Paper 12/1 (December 2017). ACCESS HERE: BackerNationalSecurityStrategy12-2017

Larry Catá Backer, “Chinese Constitutionalism in the New Era: The Emerging Idea and Practice of Constitution in the 19th CPC Congress Report,” CPE Working Paper 11/1 (November 2017).  ACCESS HERE: BackerEssay_docx

Flora Sapio, “General Program and Constitution of the Communist Party of China; Table of Amendments 2017”  ACCESS HERE: cpc-constitution-table-amendments-2017

Larry Catá Backer, “Reflections on the 2017 “Report of the Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises” (A/72/162; 18 July 2017)” CPE Working Paper 10/1 (October 2017). The Remedial Pillar of the UN Guiding Principles has been a perennial focus of the U

Larry Catá Backer, From a “Two Thrust Approach” to a “Two Sword One Thrust Strategy” to Combat Criminal Corruption: Corporate Compliance, Prosecutorial Discretion, and Sovereign Investor Oversight; CPE Working Paper 9/1 (Sept. 2017) (final version ot appear in Chinese in the Jilin University Journal, social science edition 吉林大学学报社科版 (2017). Backer_Corruption_SSRN2017

Larry Catá Backer, Thoughts on John G. Ruggie, “Multinationals as Global Institution: Power, Authority, and Relative Autonomy,” Regulation and Governance (2017); CPE Working Paper 6/1 (June 2017). LCBReflectionRuggieMNE6-2017

Larry Catá Backer, Remarks: Transnational Legal Orders and Global Regulatory Networks, Prepared for the International Francqui Symposium (Global and Transnational Law Today). Brussels Global Law Week Université libre de Bruxelles (CP-132) 50, av. F. D. Roosevelt, 1050 Brussels Belgium (May 15, 2017). RemarksFranquiSymposium5-2017

Joint Submission by The Foundation for Law and International Affairs (FLIA) and The Coalition for Peace and Ethics (CPE) on the Call for inputs – Report of High Commissioner for Human Rights–”Civil society space in multilateral institutions” (May 1, 2017). FLIA-CPE-SubmissionCivilSocietySpace.

Larry Catá Backer, “Reflections on Shen Wei: ‘One Belt One Road Initiative and Beyond in the Context of (Anti) Globalization'”, Coalition for Peace & Ethics Working Paper 4/1 2017 (April 2017). Reflections Shen Wei 4-2017

Larry Catá Backer, “Diversity in Legal Education: Considering the Hollow Spaces Between Speech and Action,” Coalition for Peace & Ethics Discussion Draft 3/1 (March 2017).  Diversity in Legal Education



Larry Catá Backer, Commentary on Michael Strauss’s Essay: “Returning Guantanamo Bay to Cuban Control.” Coalition for Peace & Ethics Working Paper, No. 7/1 (July 2016). Backer_Proceedings_STrauss_Guantanamo2016

Michael Strauss, “Returning Guantanamo Bay to Cuban Control.” Prepared for the 26th Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy. © Michael Strauss and posted with permission. ASCE 2016 paper, 21 jul 16 – Complete

Larry Catá Backer, Commentary for the First Session of the Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law—“Widening the Democratic Space: The role of youth in public decision-making (22 June 2016). Commentary

Larry Catá Backer, Background Brief: “Conceptualización del modelo económico y social Cubano de desarrollo socialista“.

Larry Catá Backer, Discussion Paper: Normalization With Cuban Characteristics: How Might Cuba Navigate Normalization to Avoid Political Instability and Enhance Economic Development?, Coalition for Peace & Ethics Working Paper, No. 5/1 (May 2016). LASA5-2016   PowerPoints  HERE



Zhu Shaoming (绍明), The Application of Laws against Chinese NGOs –Research on NGO in China, Coalition for Peace & Ethics Working Paper 8/3 (August 2015). The Application of Laws against Chinese NGOs

Zhu Shaoming (绍明), The Chinese Communist Party in Chinese NGOs, Coalition for Peace & Ethics Working Paper, No. 8/2 (August 2015). The CCP in Chinese NGOs

Larry Catá Backer, Regulating Multinational Corporations: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities, CPE Working Paper No. 8/1 (August 2015).

Larry Catá Backer, Considering a Treaty on Corporations and Human Rights: Mostly Failures But With a Glimmer of Success,  Remarks Delivered at the Workshop on a Treaty on Business and Human Rights, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, June 26, 2015. CPE Working Paper 6/1 (June 2015); available Considering a Treaty on Corporations and Human RightsV3

Larry Catá Backer, Commentary on the People’s Republic of China Foreign Non-Governmental Organizations Management Law (Draft) (Second Reviewed Draft) 中华人民共和国境外非政府组织管理法(草案)(二次审议稿)CPE Commentary 3/6 (June 2015) DraftNGOLaw6-2015

Zhu Shaoming, Non-Governmental Organizations in China, CPE Background Brief No. 1/6 (June 2015). Available  ZhuNGOBackground6-2015

Zhu Shaoming, Public Commentary on China’s Draft Foreign NGO Management Law, CPE Background Brief No. 2/6 (June 2015). Available  ZHUCommentsNGOLaw6-2015



Larry Catá Backer, Keren Wang, Tomonori Teraoka and Nabih Haddad, Democratizing The Global Business And Human Rights Project By Catalyzing Strategic Litigation From The Bottom Up; CPE Working Paper 12/1 (December 2014). Available  Rev_Backer_et_al_CatalyzingSSRN9–22-2014

Larry Catá Backer, Keren Wang, Tomonori Teraoka and Nabih Haddad, Concept Note: On the Human Rights Responsibilities of Universities:Concept Paper for a Global Survey of University Engagement With Principles of Business and Human Rights.  Available ConceptNoteHumanRightsUniversities

Keren Wang,   Religion in China: Historical and Legal Context, CPE Working Paper 9/1 (September 2014).  Available WANG_CPE_WP_9-1-2014

Keren Wang and Nabih Haddad, International Organizations and Participatory Global Citizenship: Civic Education beyond Territoriality, CPE Working Paper 5/1 (May 2014).  Available International Organizations and Participatory Global Citizenship-Civic Education beyond Territoriality (5-6-2014)

Larry Catá Backer, “Considering Zhiwei Tong’s Essay, ‘Two Issues on Constitutional Government in China'”, CPE Working Paper 4/2 (April 2014).  Available BackerTongResponse5-2014

Zhu, Shaoming, “Introduction to China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone,” CPE Working Paper 4/1 (April. 2014). Available Research on China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone

Wang, Keren,  “Reframing Knowledge/Power–An Epistemological Investigation of Contemporary Social Movements,” CPE Working Paper 3/1 (March, 2014). Available Keren social thought conference paper (3-31-14)



Backer, Larry Catá,  “The Problem of Labor and the Construction of Socialism in Cuba: On Contradictions in the Reform of Cuba’s Regulations for Private Labor Cooperatives,” CPE Working Paper 8/1 (Aug. 2013). Available HERE: ProblemofLaborinCuba8-2013

Backer, Larry Catá, Towards a Robust Theory of the Chinese Constitutional State: Between Formalism and Legitimacy in Jiang Shigong’s Constitutionalism (CPE Working Paper No. 2013/5 (May 8, 2013)). Available at SSRN:

Backer, Larry Catá, The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Japanese Strategic Diplomacy or Chinese Containment (CPE Working Paper No. 3-1 (March 21, 2013)). Available at SSRN:

Backer, Larry Catá and Wang, Keren, ‘What is China’s Dream?’ Hu Angang Imagines China in 2020 as the First Internationally Embedded Superpower (CPE Working Paper No. 2013/2 (February 2013)).  Available at SSRN:

Backer, Larry Catá, Between Faculty, Administration, Board, State, and Students: On the Relevance of a Faculty Senate in the Modern U.S. University (CPE Working Paper No. 2013/2(1) (February 10, 2013)). Available at SSRN:



Backer, Larry Catá, Privatization, the Role of Enterprises and the Implementation of Social and Economic Rights: A Comparison of Rights-Based and Administrative Approaches in India and China (CPE Working Paper 2012/11 (January 1, 2013) Penn State Law Research Paper 4-2013). Available at SSRN:

Backer, Larry Catá, On the Tension between Public and Private Governance in the Emerging Transnational Legal Order: State Ideology and Corporation in Polycentric Asymmetric Global Orders (CPE Working Paper No. 2012/4 (April 16, 2012)). Available at SSRN:

Backer, Larry Catá, Transnational Corporate Constitutionalism: The Emergence of a Constitutional Order for Economic Enterprises (CPE Working Paper No. 2012/4(1) (April 10, 2012). Available at SSRN:

Backer, Larry Catá, The Corporation as Semiosis, ‘Citizens United,’ the Signification of the Corporate Enterprise and the Development of Law (CPE Working Paper No. 2012/2 (February, 28 2012)). Available at SSRN:



Backer, Larry Catá and Stancil, Bret, Global Law Schools on U.S. Models: Emerging Models of Consensus-Based Internationalization or Markets-Based Americanization Models of Global Legal Education (CPE Working Paper No. 2011/8 (August 19, 2011). Available at SSRN:

Backer, Larry Catá, ‘Order, Discipline and Exigency’: Cuba’s VIth Party Congress, the Lineamientos (Guidelines) and Structural Change in Education, Sport and Culture? (CPE Working Paper No. 2011/7 (July 1, 2011)). Available at SSRN:



 Backer, Larry Catá, Globalization and the Socialist Multinational: Cuba and ALBA’s Grannacional Projects at the Intersection of Business and Human Rights (CPE Working Paper No. 2010/8(1) (August 2010)).  Available at SSRN: (later version published at Handbook on Contemporary Cuba: Economy, Civil Society, and Globalization (New York: CUNY/Paradigm Press, 2012

Backer, Larry Catá, Private Actors and Public Governance Beyond the State: The Multinational Corporation, the Financial Stability Board and the Global Governance Order (CPE Working Paper No. 2010/8(2) (August 2010).  Available at SSRN: (later version published at Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, Vol. 17, 2011).



Backer, Larry Catá and Molina, Augusto, Cuba and the Construction of Alternative Global Trade Systems: ALBA and Free Trade in the Americas (CPE Working Paper No. 2009/5, May 2009).  Available at SSRN: (Later published at University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2010).

Backer, Larry Catá, Critical Race Theory Abroad–A Challenging Album in Seven Tracks (CPE Working Paper No. 2009/3 (April 2009).  Available   CRTGlobaContext 

Backer, Larry Catá, Values in Global Economics:  The Relationship Between Morals, Religion and the Economic Order (CPE Working Paper No. 2009/1 (January 2009).  Available ValuesInGlobalEconomicsWorkingPaper2009



Backer, Larry Catá, A Constitutional Court for China within the Chinese Communist Party: Scientific Development and the Institutional Role of the CCP (CPE Working Paper No. 2008-11/1 (November 28, 2008)). Available at SSRN: (later version published 43(3) Suffolk Law Review 593-624 (2010)).

Backer, Larry Catá, Values Economics and Theology: The Contribution of Catholic Social Thought and its Implications for Legal Regulatory Systems (CPE Working Paper No. 2008-1/1 (July 2008). Available at SSRN:  (later version published 5(2) Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 17-56 (2010)